Thursday, September 07, 2006

Got Directions?

Incident 7 - 1

Dustin, Mark, and Luke all came to my house a couple weekends ago to help me roof my garage. While there, we got into an argument about which direction my house faced. Mark, Dustin, and I all said south, but Luke and Andrea both said east.

We had no compass, and after arguing for a bit, we went on a drive to try to figure it out. Unfortunately, none of us were satisfied with the result. At this point, Dustin said, "Well, let's make a compass."

Being the DIEHARD fan of MacGyver that Dustin is, he was fairly sure he knew how to make a compass from scratch. He got a bowl of water, took a sewing needle, covered the tip with some oil from his forehead, and laid the needle on the water to point north. Supposedly, the oil on the needle would magnetize it north. Unfortunately, the needle just sank.

At this point, I remember the scene from the movie The Edge with Alec Baldwin and Sir Anthony Hopkins where they become lost in the wilderness and have to make their own compass. Their system was very similar to Dustin's except they actually magnetized the needle and laid it on a leaf in the water.

So I grabbed the needle, got a small leaf, and used a refridgerator magnet to magnetize the needle. After laying the needle on the leaf we discovered that IT WORKED! We had made compass! It was pretty amazing, and I'd recommend any and all of you giving it a shot just for fun.

What were the true directions? Well, it turns out it was kind of in the middle of what we both thought - although it was closer to what I believed to be the truth.

If I'd been MacGyver . . .

Well, not much would have changed I guess, cause what happened was pretty stinkin' close to what MacGyver would freakin' do anyway. So instead of a long drawn out scenario, just enjoy this sweet pic:

Yeah, guess who would have cheated . . .

Till next time,
